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كيف تجيب عن اسئلة المقابلة الشخصية. أسئلة مقابلة شخصية بالانجليزي للمعلمين واجابتها

يسعدنا زيارتكم في موقعنا مدينة الـعـلـم الذي يقدم افضل المعلومات النموذجية والاجابة الصحيحة للسؤال التالي 

أسئلة مقابلة شخصية بالانجليزي للمعلمين واجباتها،،،،، أسئلة مقابلة شخصية بالانجليزي للمعلمين واجابتها

وهناك مجموعة من الأسئلة المُحددة التي يتم توجيهها إلى المعلمين في أثناء مقابلات العمل، ومن أهم هذه الأسئلة ما يلي[1]:

لماذا تريد أن تصبح معلم Why do you want to be a teacher ؟

Here; you must confirm that teaching is your first choice, so, you should speak here about passion for teaching, mention some situation about your ability to be a perfect teacher for all stages

لماذا تريد العمل في مدرستنا Why do you want to be a teacher in our school ؟

Through your answer you must be talking about your interest in the learning strategies in this school specifically; it is important also to mention your experiences about their school educational goals, ethos, objectives, and others

ما هي أهم مهاراتك التدريسية What is your most important teaching skills ؟

The ability for good communication via any method of connection with students including traditional or distance learning, critical thinking with patience, my passion for teaching young people besides some of my sense of humor; so that I can get more close to my students’ brains and thinking

في رأيك؛ لماذا يجب علينا تعيينك In your opinion; Why should we appoint you ؟

During your answer, please try to be most intelligent, you can for example start with: “from my application as you see …….’, then mention your most important skills that put you in a unique position away from the other job applicants, then talk about your ambitious and positive goals that you will exert your efforts to achieve when being appointed as a teacher in this school.

1 إجابة واحدة

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بواسطة (3.7مليون نقاط)
أفضل إجابة

بالانجليزي للمعلمين واجابتها

هناك مجموعة من الأسئلة المُحددة التي يتم توجيهها إلى المعلمين في أثناء مقابلات العمل، ومن أهم هذه الأسئلة ما يلي[1]:

لماذا تريد أن تصبح معلم Why do you want to be a teacher ؟

Here; you must confirm that teaching is your first choice, so, you should speak here about passion for teaching, mention some situation about your ability to be a perfect teacher for all stages

لماذا تريد العمل في مدرستنا Why do you want to be a teacher in our school ؟

Through your answer you must be talking about your interest in the learning strategies in this school specifically; it is important also to mention your experiences about their school educational goals, ethos, objectives, and others

ما هي أهم مهاراتك التدريسية What is your most important teaching skills ؟

The ability for good communication via any method of connection with students including traditional or distance learning, critical thinking with patience, my passion for teaching young people besides some of my sense of humor; so that I can get more close to my students’ brains and thinking

في رأيك؛ لماذا يجب علينا تعيينك In your opinion; Why should we appoint you ؟

During your answer, please try to be most intelligent, you can for example start with: “from my application as you see …….’, then mention your most important skills that put you in a unique position away from the other job applicants, then talk about your ambitious and positive goals that you will exert your efforts to achieve when being appointed as a teacher in this school.

بواسطة (3.7مليون نقاط)
أسئلة مقابلة شخصية بالانجليزي للمعلمين واجابتها

اسئلة متعلقة

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1 إجابة
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1 إجابة
مرحبًا بك إلى موقع مدينة العلم، حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة وانتظار الإجابة عليها من المستخدمين الآخرين.